Claude Saturne
has been playing since childhood. Through his mother, who was an ounzi-kanzo (spiritual singer in a vodou temple), he was introduced to the ritual rhythms and chants of Haiti at an early age and gained deep insights into the practice of a vodou temple. At the age of sixteen he met the musicians of the legendary Mizik Rasin band Boukan Ginen, who shaped him musically. Numerous encounters with percussionists and vodou priests in different areas of Haiti followed, which enabled him to expand his musical knowledge. Today he has mastered over 80 rhythms and is constantly looking for new variations. In 2000 he became a member of the Badji group - under the direction of the well-known jazz saxophonist Turgot Théodat and was involved in many productions at home and abroad until 2009. At the same time he played with various Haitian artists - such as Wooli Saint Louis Jean, Belo, Bob Bovano, Samba Zao, was involved in various theater productions and directed countless musical training courses at schools, cultural centers and at the Academy of Arts in Port-au-Prince. Claude has lived in France since 2009 and has played in various productions with artists such as Erol Josué, Bob Bovano, Moonlight Benjamin. Among other things, he participated in the international project `Jazz Racines Haiti` by Jacques Schwartz-Bart.