Dance & Trance
In the rhythm of the water
Saturday, February 29th, 8 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Percussion & vocals: Claude Saturne
Dance director: Zsuzsa

If you register by February 21, 2020:
20 € / 15 € for members & participants of the Caribbean weekend & reduced
from February 22nd, 2020 5 €

Do you want to clear your head, shake off the stress of the week and find your natural rhythm? Then you are very welcome to this workshop, which would like to invite you to dive deep into the soul of dance. Silent meditative moments alternate with rhythmic-ecstatic ones. At the beginning there is a holistic warm-up based on the element water and its flowing movements. We play with topics like centering, letting go and transformation. We accompany you sensitively with the help of pictures and meditative chants and rhythms. Some ritual movements from Haitian dance will help you find the flow. In the meditative repetition they can develop their healing effect and have a balancing effect. In the heart of the workshop we accompany you in the free improvisation - here you can completely surrender to the rhythms and immerse yourself in the ecstasy.

You become musically empathetic from Claude Saturne accompanied. His game is animated - pure energy that is immediately transmitted and simply carried away. The workshop ends with a gentle cool down.

Participation requirements
You don't need any previous knowledge to participate. Feel warmly welcome when you feel addressed by the topic. We look forward to seeing you.

Please come in comfortable clothes and bring a towel.

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